Rafael Rosado
IG = @hombresecretooh
Born in Puerto Rico and based in Columbus, Ohio, Rafael is a seasoned writer, director and storyboard artist for the animation industry. Highly diverse, he has storyboarded on action, comedy and pre-school shows, shows as diverse as Scooby Doo, Transformers, The Batman, Looney Tunes and Curious George.
He’s the co-creator and Illustrator of the graphic novels Giants Beware!, Dragons Beware!, and the upcoming Monsters Beware!, published by First Second Books. His work is featured in the latest edition of the Comics Squad anthology, published by Random House books, and the upcoming The Latinographix Collection, from OSU Press.

Artist Statement
I consider myself a cartoonist, more than a conventional fine artist. My work is traditional in an old-school, cartoony way, but influenced by European comics and 2D Animation. I believe my experience as a Storyboard Artist informs my comics work, and vice-versa. I admire clear and elegant storytelling, whether it’s in animation or live-action film; to me, Miyazaki is as great an artist as Kurosawa.