PUBLIC DOMAIN takes a fresh approach to showcasing originality.
Artists need inspiration like flowers need sunlight and water. Public Domain was created to feed that need.
This show challenges artists to think differently about what they do by giving them a unique starting point for creating new multimedia work: the vast universe of content in the public domain. The Public Domain exhibit will present art straight from the artist’s imagination --- exploring the diverse ideas on their minds and hearts.
is the process of bringing something new into being."
pub·lic do·main
The state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole, and therefore not subject to copyright or licensing restrictions.
Artistic Freedom Ltd. is the multi-media production company of Celia C. Peters. Peters is a filmmaker and visual artist who has produced shows in New York, including the dramatic reading series she created, The Next 15 Minutes, which debuted at the Tribeca Film Center in NYC and was presented at South Oxford Space in Brooklyn in 2010. Peters also produced a live dramatic reading of her screenwriting at the National Theater of Harlem in 2009. Peters’ visual and video-based work has been exhibited in galleries in New York, London, Newark, Dallas, Detroit and Columbus.